
Sun-chang Lo was born in Guangzhou, China, and has studied and lived in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and the United States.

Following graduation from the Cooper Union, New York City, he went on to study under professor/architect Kazuo Shinohara at the Tokyo Institute of Technology as a recipient of the Japanese Monbukagakusho Scholarship from 1974 to 1976. Analysis and synthesis of the theories and histories of Chinese and Japanese architecture landed him two consecutive awards in the 1975 and 1976 Japan Architect International Residential Competitions.

From 1977 to 1979, Sun-chang taught architecture and design at Tunghai University in Taiwan and simultaneously lead the architecture team in the Lukang Landmark Preservation Project. Returning to New York City, he and Jean pursued a multi-discipline practice ranging from architecture, interior, photography, fashion and graphic design.

From 1993 to 2008 he taught art and architecture, design, drawing and photography at the Department of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong. During this period, Sun-chang mounted a number of international solo exhibitions and produced 7 art portfolios all published by the University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong. 

Meanwhile, ‘Dynamic Equilibrium and Omnisymmetry’, a theme inspired by Sun-chang’s original research, became the foundation from which a lifelong artistic pursuit was launched in collaboration with his wife/partner Jean.

Since 2008, from his New York City home base, Sun-chang has continued the same tireless routine focusing on refining and realizing his theoretical artworks.




1972年畢業於紐約市 The Cooper Union 建築系,1974-76年獲日本文部科學省獎學金留學東京工業大學跟隨篠原一男教授/建築師探討中國與日本建築歷史暨理論。兩度參賽日本新建築雜誌主辦國際住宅設計競圖,連續兩年獲獎。






一生對建築、藝術史暨理論全情投入與時並進;唯對專業實務屢因理念不符難以妥協且一再遇人不淑,迅速淡出。 教學方面則別出心裁另闢蹊徑,針對個人或群體啟發探索膽識,激盪學習熱情,培養進取心、使命感。

早年專注研究「動態平衡與全方位對稱」所獲深刻覺悟暨實踐成果導致畢生追求藝術生活與生命真諦,毋忘初衷同時亦不知老之將至。退隱後繼續潛心創作,隨時隨地即興寫生、寫真,或構思裸字天書(Naked Calligraphy) 、整理生活筆記暨家族史料,偶爾隨興在網上發表。